We have published several new PBR repaints you can enjoy for free for the PMDG 747 v3, grab them here: https://www.togaprojects.com/pmdg747 for the 747 liveries and here: https://www.togaprojects.com/pmdg737ngxu for the 737.
You will probably notice that we have updated our repaints pages to make them clearer and easier to use, you can filter liveries by airlines as well to quickly find what you are searching for. You can also expect several updates to the existing Air France and UTA liveries with full PBR compatibility in the upcoming weeks.
New repaints:
- PMDG 747-400 QOTS III - Northwest Pre-merger N663US - By Steve Glinel
- PMDG 747-400 QOTS III - British Asia Airways G-CIVA - By Maxime Konareff
- PMDG 747-400 QOTS III - British Asia Airways G-CIVE - By Maxime Konareff
- PMDG 747-400 QOTS III - British Asia Airways G-BNLZ - By Maxime Konareff
- PMDG 737-800 NGXu - Jet Airways VT-JGG - By William Musculus